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11-01-2007, 12.43.01 | #4 | |
Ospite abituale
Data registrazione: 06-06-2005
Messaggi: 455
Riferimento: L'uomo nello spazio
...certo,avrei la stessa idea ma pare non sia proprio cosi' ??... "The environment of space is highly dangerous without appropriate protection. The greatest threat is from the lack of pressure in the vacuum environment, while temperature and radiation effects also have a small influence. Contrary to imagery in the public media (such as in the film Outland), a short term exposure to space of up to 30 seconds is unlikely to cause permanent physical damage. Thanks to the containing tension of the skin, the body will not explode, though some slight swelling may occur. Due to the lack of a medium to allow conduction or convection, loss of heat is by radiation only, which would take place in a very slow process. Therefore, there is no danger of immediately freezing." ...sinteticamente il piu' grande pericolo e' la mancanza della pressione e per quanto riguarda il rafreddamento del corpo il processo risulterebbe piu' lento nel vuoto visto che avviene per solo irraggiamento... ciao,klara (la pagina e' sotto) |