Reflections on Science
by Alberto Viotto
In this column you will find articles about various aspects of science, to suggest reflections on new mental approaches they request.
Alberto Viotto
Articles index
Alberto Viotto,
Physics degree at the University of Milan, has worked for the major IT companies (NCR, Olivetti, Digital, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard) as software developer and system architect. Since 2002 he has published a number of articles on “Tuttoscienze”, the scientific supplement of the Italian daily newspaper “La Stampa”.
web site: http://web.tiscali.it/alberto_viotto
e-mail: alberto_viotto@hotmail.com
The Italian page (including italian articles, a free ebook about paradoxes, a video of an interview about the ebook “Computers’ revenge”): Riflessioni sulle scienze